It is without question that this product blows away the competition, because there is no competition. It is the dozens and dozens of abilities such as this that make this one of the most flexible, versatile, and manageable games of all time-while maintaining the complexity needed to ensure realism on a scale necessarily to ensure accurate historical revision. Not to mention, your ships all have individual records kept of the ships they have sunk, so you can examine the KMS Bismarck’s and note the dozens of allied ships she has sunk.

The dozens of random variables that are neat to look at (but terrible to keep track of in a homemade board game, or spiked Axis and Allies) such as moral, experience, divisional strength, weather, individual commander skill and experience, etc.-are all automatically handled by the computer game. No other game offers such an effective and yet diverse system of managing a player’s productivity. Necessary to maintain your Army) 4.) Reinforcements (Keeping your divisions supplied with new troops) and 5.) Upgrades (Replacing those old bi-planes with modern single seat fighter planes). ) Military production (the building of tanks, planes, infantry divisions called up from your manpower pool), 3.) War Supplies (bullets, food, etc. You may manage your nations production by allotting a certain amount to 1.) Civilian goods production (which gives you money-an essential on the international politic al scene, your espionage program, and paying corporations to research new secret weapons for you to produce), 2.

What would happen if the United States never suffered the humiliation and defeat of Pearl Harbor, and instead had its fleet based elsewhere? In this game, you have the control to determine what happens, as you lead your nation and her armies and air forces on a divisional scale (101st Airborne Division is 1 "piece", which can be used as paratroopers in coordination with a massive sea borne assault, or on a simple raid) and your ships on an individual basis.

Imagine if instead of building her large, doomed capitol ships, Germany had built a fleet of 500 U-boats, to be unleashed upon the Western convoys on September 1st 1939. What we always dreamed Axis and Allies could be.